Sound Engineering
We enlist and train an extensive team of volunteers who serve in the digital sound area of our worship. We believe that sound can and does play a key role in our weekly worship, so we are constantly searching out eager volunteers who are interested in learning and serving in this area.

One of the most underrated areas of ministry, our presentation team, helps lead us to worship every single week through their excellence in serving where God has called them. Just like sound, we believe that presentation aids the congregation in worship so that every single word, every line sung is a perfect expression of worship to our God.

Photography & Graphics
One of the newest areas of ministry is our social media presence. Our recent addition of a photography team has allowed us to take our ministries online in a way that allows people to catch a glimpse of what exactly we are about here at West Jackson. We have opportunities for eager photographers in everything from weekly services, to large scale community wide programs and special events.

Live Streaming
The second but just as vital branch of our media teams is our weekly livestream. Just as our photography gives people a glimpse of what our campus and ministries look like first hand, our livestream production takes that a step further by allowing people to step foot into what a service at West Jackson looks like. Thanks to this team, we have the opportunity to reach people around the globe with the Gospel.

Our live stream could not be done without this faithful team of servants who repeatedly give of their time in order to reach the world for Christ. This is an ever growing team who aid in the recording and live streaming of every service and event at West Jackson.

Lighting, we believe, also plays an important role in worship. Thanks to this team, our lighting assists in eliminating distractions, focusing attention, and setting the mood for the genuine worship of our Savior.